Silver Shoes – Cat Loved Them!!

Daily writing prompt
Tell us about your favorite pair of shoes, and where they’ve taken you.

Alright, let’s buckle up (pun intended) for the tale of two shoes, one tragic, one triumphant:

First, there were my silver running shoes, shiny beacons of hope before becoming…well, let’s just say a neighborhood cat mistook them for a fancy litter box. RIP, silver buddies. My then wife, bless her heart, saw the “crime scene” and, in a fit of righteous (if slightly Clorox-scented) fury, banished them to the shoe afterlife.

Then there’s the other side of the coin: my thousand-dollar Italian leather shoes. Silver buckle, taller stance, the whole shebang. These babies have been with me for over 20 years, through thick and thin (literally, they’ve seen some questionable dance moves). Still lookin’ sharp, still feelin’ fancy, these shoes are like the Benjamin Button of footwear.

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